Practice Starts Next Week

29 Sep 2022 by Bobby E Lumsden

We are just a few days from starting our folkstyle wrestling season. Here are a few updates and reminders to help everyone:

1) Teams and Team Schedules are up to dates as on 9/29/22. Please ensure you check your team and your team’s schedule frequently. Please RSVP to dates in the Team Schedule so we can confirm we have the right number of coaches in the right places.

2) If you do not have shoes or headgear for the first few practices, No Problem. We have wrestling shoes and headgear you can borrow. Just show up ready!

3) Please be patience the first week or two. We still have folks registering, some are still in other sports, so things may seem hectic the first few practices. Please allow us the time to get things running smoothly!

4) Registration Ends tomorrow, so please get those registrations in or contact Coach Lumsden ( and let him know you will register in person at the first practice.

5) All Practices in October are open house nights. If you have a friend, or know someone interested, bring them to practice. We offer two free sessions to make sure we are right for you.

6) If you are a “Pay As You Go” member, please remember you must pay the $15 to be eligible for pay as you go, then you must pay for the month or each session at the beginning of practice.

7) If you want to upgrade your membership, you can do so at any time in your first 45 days. The amount you have already paid will be credited to the membership level you choose to upgrade to.

8) If you have questions and need an immediate response, please call of text Coach Bobby at 919-622-5937. If an immediate response is not required, please send an email to

We look forward to seeing you all on the mats next week.

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